FOO Initial Type Rating ATR 42/72


The course designed to give the understanding standard international aviation regulation based on CASR which have been endorsed by the government through the DGCA, FOO/FO shall be jointly responsible dor the pre-flight planning, delay and dispatch release of the flight in compliance with approriate regulations. This training is required for flight dispatcher who have qualified and serve on a particular type of aeroplane and will serve another aircraft (ATR 42/72).


Upon completion of this training the participants will be able to understand duties, responsibility and function as a flight dispatcher on ATR 42/72 aircraft.

Who Should Attend

FOO Licence Holder


Pelita Air Training Center Gedung A Lt 5 Jl. Abdul Muis No 52 – 56A Jakarta Pusat 10160


Initial Training : 5 Days

Licence Validity

1 Years