Approach and Landing Accident Reduction & Controlled Flight Into Terrain is a training designed to establish and adhering to an adequate decision making processes to improve approach and landing with a serial of procedures such as flying a stabilized approach, implementing low visibility procedures, maximum use of GPWS and Weather Radar, radio altimeter and terrain awareness, visual illusions and contaminated runway operation awareness and further on to an implementation of flifgt operation quality assurance (FOQA).
The participants will be able to techniques for improvinh chances of surfing an inadvertent ALAR & CFIT encounter are (to summarize and communicate key ALAR & CFIT information relevant to flight crews)
Who Should Attend
Pilot FW & RW
Pelita Air Training Center Bandar Udara Pondok Cabe Jl. Pondok Cabe Raya Pamulang – Tangerang Selatan
Initial Training : 1 Days
Licence Validity
1 Years