Marshaling – Initial


To enable the participants to acquire the necessary knowledge, competencies and skills in order to safely perform typical marshalling duties based on international standards and recommended practices. This training is an essential introductory course for all aerodrome staff, and particularly for the orientation of new recruits and junior ground handling employees – may be part of the foundation program for the Airport personnel of any organization operating at an Airport set up. The course has been designed to meet the requirements of customized Training Need Analysis (TNA) on the specific learning area


Upon completion of this course, trainees will expand their learning capacity and knowledge and will develop additional skills and competencies in order to understand: The marshalling Job, Safety Precautions, Marshalling Signals (IATA vs. ICAO signals), How the actual job is performed (practical exercise and simulation on the ramp - minimum 5 runs each participant / airside vehicle to simulate aircraft during the exercising)

Who Should Attend

All Aerodrome, Ramp and Airside Personnel (of any Agency / Organization) operating at an Airport environment


Pelita Air Training Center Bandar Udara Pondok Cabe Jl. Pondok Cabe Raya Pamulang – Tangerang Selatan


Initial Training : 6 Days

Licence Validity

1 Years